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The largest Hackathon in the South West
Exeter, Bristol, Plymouth, Bournemouth
Saturday, Feb 8th, 9:00am
University of Exeter, Innovation Center
About Us
Organised by the Computer Science Society (EXCS) and Cyber Security Society (CyberSoc) of University Of Exeter, Hack South West is the most fun and enjoyable experience for students around the uk. Available to everyone from beginners to experts, this is a great opportunity to get into hackathons. Our welcoming atmosphere will surely encourage you to go to more!
We will run a 24 hour event which will begin with registration and proceed to be ran overnight. Food and drinks will be provided throughout the duration of the event. We will also be providing a variety of workshops and talks to help you get started with your hackathon project.
Tracks &
What will you be doing during our event! This is mostly secret for now, wait until the start of the event to find out about our two tracks!
Data 4 Good Track
This track will push you to develop your own solution to a data challenge faced by the world. We look out for solutions that incorporate a high level of technical knowledge to a problem of significant impact in the world. Although, you will likely only work on this problem for a limited amount of time, we encourage you to continue to develop and deploy your solutions to either the web or other sources to both add to your portfolio, but also benefit humanity!
Capture The Flag Track
In this track, your cyber security technical knowledge will be pushed to the limit! With three exciting difficulties, there is something for everyone. Every completed challenge will grant you a key/flag which can be used to unlock points at any moment during the hackathon. To help you on your journey we have volunteers who work in the cyber security field to give you pointers and tips on how to approach these problems.
There will be mystery prizes for those who win this track
Meet the Sponsors
Questions &
Have questions? Here you'll find all the answers to your questions. If there is something missing feel free to reach out to us with absolutely any queries via our email.
Should I attend Hack South West
What is a hackathon?
Who can attend?
Where is Hack South West Happening?
What will be available to eat?
Do I need to be able to code to attend?
How large can my team be?
What should I bring?
Do we have a code of conduct?
Do we have a code of intellectual property?
What are the terms and conditions?
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